Welcome to Snaz!

The new way to play cards with distant friends and family

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Snaz! never see, nor hold any of your payment details. PayPal only communicate to us your Snaz! Plan subscription details.

Your Membership is in the Sign-Up stage. We have sent you an email with instructions on how to Activate your account.

You must activate your Membership first, before adding a Premium subscription.

If you do not receive your activation email, please contact us!


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If you are signing up to Snaz! for the first time, we will have sent you an Activation Email. Please check your mailbox and follow the instructions to complete your Membership Activation.

PLEASE NOTE: It can take upto 5 minutes for your Membership status to update.

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You do not need a PayPal account (but it's easy-peasy if you do). You can also choose a payment method of your choice.